Lowongan Kerja Staff Hrga PT Platinum Ceramics Industry

Lowongan Kerja Staff Hrga Terbaru PT Platinum Ceramics Industry.

Staff Hrga PT Platinum Ceramics Industry

Platinum  Ceramics  Industry  is the  leader  In  Indonesia  for qualit y, innovation, service and supportPlatinum Ceramics Industry has been helping clients enhance their lives through the medium of ceramic lites for more than 40 years.Through continual innovation and an unshakable focus on quality, Platinum Ceramics Industry has established the stand a rds a nd s et the benchmark agamst which the industry is mea suredPlatinum Ceramics Industry's design team a ilends all th e key global trade shows to keep abreast of the le adi ng inte rnational tren ds on design, style, finish and use, and th e n app ly th e ir deep understanding of the preferences, needs a nd desires of local customers to produce product ranges to suite every taste and budget.As  well  as  helping customers visualize  the  desired res ult through  the  computer  based displa y system in Platinum Ceramics Industry's design centers.the company operat es a Customer Support hotline to handle all queries and problems. with a guaranteed lime not just for a response. but for a solution.For Project developments. Platinum Ceramics Industry's Protect Support Team works with developers, architects and builde rs to re commend the best products. colours, and designs for each specifiC protect The Tea m follows through from pre-delivery to post-installation. ensuring that the right product. to the right specification, is supplied at the right time.Platinum Ceramics Industry plants are modern. highly automated and fully equipped to produce Ceramic tiles, Glazed Porcelain tiles, and unglazed porcelain (Granito ) tiles either polished or unpolished... in sizes up to 80 x 80 em.

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